Oppiva Invest Oy is a company owned by the Finnish government that finances Finnish companies focusing on education export, or supporting the development of learning solutions for secondary vocational education. The data protection service Edudata is among the included funded services (in Finnish).

What is Edudata?

Edudata is a data protection service that supports the Data Controller in managing the risks associated with matters of data protection, while also providing a tool for the Data Controller to maintain up-to-date documentation regarding its Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA). Edudata is particularly convenient in schools and educational institutions, where there are tens or even hundreds of digital services used on a daily basis.

A safe learning environment for everyone

Electronic learning materials, digital services, and applications can have a great impact in enriching the learning and teaching experience at different grade levels. However, not all content and services are suitable as teaching tools.

The digital solutions used in teaching must be evaluated, in respect of the content and its suitability, as well as in respect of the data protection threats. In the case of the latter, the Data Controller must ensure by means of written contract that the Terms of the processing activities are agreed upon. It is the responsibility of the provider of education to ensure that the students' personal information does not fall into the wrong hands during their studies.

Edudata saves time

Edudata already has more than 4,000 different evaluated digital services used in education. Given that a single assessment may take up to 3-4 hours – Edudata saves thousands of hours of working time. In pursuing a DPIA, requirements under the local legislation and the EU Data Protection Regulation are considered.  Hence, with Edudata  a safe and secure learning environment is ensured for students at different grade levels.

Step by step to Europe

Edudata's roots are from Finland and as of today the Service is also used in Sweden and Norway. Great Britain, Denmark, and Estonia are next in line. Oppiva Invest's funding enables internationalization for the benefit of both general education and vocational educational institutions.

Read more about Edudata and ask lauri@cloudpoint.fi for more details.


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